Sensuva’s G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream, Does it work?

Sensuvas G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream

Sensuva’s G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream, Does it work?

If you read my review about the Pure Romance GPS G-Spot cream, you’ll understand why I was disappointed when I realized I was running low. Although it’s not something I use every time, it was bound to happen some time. When you’re in the mood and nothing comes out when you pump, it’s pretty annoying. Especially when it’s not something you can just go pick up in the store! I figured I’d make a run to the local toy store and see if they had something similar…and faster than waiting for an online order to come in. It took a little bit of looking around, I nearly gave it up as a waste of time, but finally I found Sensuva’s G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream. At half the price and .7 oz more the GPS, it’s worth a shot. The primary difference is the ingredients. While the GPS contains Niacin and Spearmint Leaf oil, How I Adore You (that’s a mouthful hmmm?) contains Menthol. That said, I have used lubes and external-use oils containing peppermint, cinnamon, and all kinds of other things I can’t pronounce. But does it work?

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So, does it work?

When I first used it, it felt similar to the GPS in texture, if a little thinner, and I could feel the sensation of the menthol. I was pretty excited that it seemed like a good back-up choice! And that’s where the excitement ended. It lasted all of a few minutes, and then…nothing. I didn’t feel any more…stimulated I guess than before using it after the initial kind of coolness of the cream. Sure, I could have put more on, or in, or whatever…but who wants to have to re-apply that often? This one just didn’t hit The Spot after a very short amount of time. I can’t be sure I’ve used other menthol products specifically (although I think I probably have), but either menthol just isn’t as long lasting, there’s not enough in there, or who knows how it interacts with the other complicated-sounding ingredients. All I can say is it was like that hot guy you’ve been flirting with…you’ve been building it up in your mind. You finally got him in your bed, you’re all turned on…and he falls asleep just before you even get your clothes all the way off.

— Barbwire

I’m disappointed, but it’s always a risk trying something new. Given that I’ve used other Sensuva products that I love, I hate that this one wasn’t one I like. Generally, I really like their products, but if you’re looking for G-Spot stimulating cream, this is one product I can’t recommend, unless you are okay with repeated application during play. It’s like the equivalent of “Hang on sexy…let me rub some more cream on myself to make sure I enjoy it, ok?” Yeah. No thanks for me.

— Barbwire



***Just as a bit of an add-on…I have recently noticed the lubes and creams that seem most effective and enjoyable for me contain Niacin. They may also have some mint or another included, but logically it seems the Niacin would have the desired effect physically.

— Barbwire

Barbwire’s rating of Sensuva’s G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream?


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2 thoughts on “Sensuva’s G How I Adore You G-Spot Stimulant Cream, Does it work?”

  1. Pingback: Lubes, Creams, and Other Fun Things! - Barbwire BDSM Accessories

  2. Pingback: Pure Romance GPS Clitoral Cream - Sex Toy Reviews

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