Fantasy C-Ringz Cock Pipe Ball Stretcher Reviewed

Fantasy C-Ringz Cock Pipe with Ball Stretcher…. That’s a mouthful! Lol, I know, sounds like something Barbwire would say doesn’t it. But seriously, couldn’t they come up with something better? To help you understand it a little better I’ll explain. Pipedream, yeah, I left that part out cause it was already stupid long, makes a “Fantasy” line of toys. Within the Fantasy line is the C-Ringz line. Think Cock rings. It’s a cock pipe, with a ball stretcher. 

— Shadow

C-Ringz Cock Pipe vs Standard Ball Stretcher

So, we’ve tried the Ox Balls (see the review here). They’re pretty great for what it is, Shadow really enjoys using it. But while visiting another play store, he noticed the C-Ringz Cock Pipe with Ball Stretcher. Like I mentioned before, I didn’t really know with the initial purchase of the Ox Balls what he would enjoy more. A new toy to try? Yes please! I couldn’t wait to see if he enjoyed it as much, or maybe even more than the other!


This one took a bit more coordinating to get on…you’re already having to squish the dangly bits through an opening a bit bigger than a coke bottle lid, and now you’ve got to get the shaft through. You’re likely already hard in anticipation, if everyone’s doing their job right 😉 That’s perfect, but does make it…hard? For the record, I think it’s a matter of personal preference in which end you get into first. If the option is there, get help! I mean, I’m sure with some patience you can go it alone, but who turns down the possibility of getting fondled in the process?


C-Ringz Cock Pipe Ball Stretcher
C-Ringz Cock Pipe Ball Stretcher

A Bat!? Really Barbwire!

Once we got the Pipe on, Shadow enjoyed it right off the bat. And he was pretty much instantly as hard as a bat…I know. But really! First use, and he’s already enjoy it! I could tell he liked the c-ring aspect in addition to the ball stretcher! He likes when I pull a bit more on his balls with it on, and it’s as easy for me to do so with this as it was with the Ox Balls. The bonus is that the c-ring on top adds the benefit of keeping him really hard, and we all know I enjoy a good hard one! The length of the c-ring makes it easier to just take it off when you’re ready to move on from the teasing and getting each other worked up though, so keep that in mind! Drag it out and make the most of the foreplay with it, it’s so worth it! Build up the anticipation! Just remember, an erection lasting longer than 4 hours is dangerous, so don’t go all crazy and forget how long you’ve got it on.


How does the Cock Pipe with Ball Stretcher feel?

Barbwire has already given a pretty good overview of what the Cock Pipe Ball Stretcher is and how to get it on, but how does it feel? Honestly guys, it feels pretty damn good. I mean, if you keep up with this page at all, you know I like having my balls stretched, but having a cock ring as well, I’m all in. The drawback of the attached cock ring is that you can’t quite get your balls pulled as much as with just a ball stretcher. If you aren’t really into having your balls pulled on though, this definitely feels better. 

The C-Ringz Cock Pipe with Ball Stretcher (yeah, again that’s a long name for a product), is super stretchy (TPR, not rubber) and comfortable. The Ball Stretcher is comfortable, and does a good job of keeping a slight tug on my balls to keep them down, while the Cock Ring (er, pipe?) feels better than most cock rings, making for a really hard erecting. The cock ring isn’t so tight that it keeps me constantly hard however, so if I want, I can wear this under my clothes. Just gotta be careful doing this because when you do get hard, no-one around you can miss your package on full display! One more note, a touch of lube can help when getting this on.


Shadow’s ranking


Barbwire’s ranking


Get a hard one now!

Shadow from

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